While it is exciting moving to a new home, moving can be stressful. To ease your stress, here are some tips to ensure that you have a good move:

  • Get supplies and get organized. Ensure that you have a plethora of boxes, tape, markers for packing. Label boxes on the top and several sides to make them easy to find.
  • Call ahead to set up your utilities, including cable and internet so they can be connected on moving day.
  • Pack a box of essentials to unpack first that includes toilet paper, hand soap, hand towels, water, snacks and scissors. Keep your important documents on your person, including passports and Social Insurance Numbers.
  • Get a crew together. Whether you hire movers or bribe your family with pizza and beer, many hands make light work and make moving more fun.

The Resident Manager will do everything they can on their end to ensure that your move into Silver Heights is seamless and stress-less. We hope that you have a good move and look forward to welcoming you to your new home.